


man making and designing guitar

Why I love building and designing

I’m quite concerned, I might be addicted to frustration. Well, I suppose it’s not actually the frustration I’m addicted to, it’s the solution that cures the frustration, but it’s like Pavlov’s dog, ring the bell and the dog salivates. There are times when you get so frustrated with a problem while making something that you want to throw it at the wall, then burn it with kerosene in a bonfire, and to top it off by dumping the ashes in a porta-potty at a Grateful Dead concert. However, once you calm down and think through the problem, then come up with a viable solution that works, you become filled with a euphoria only gods typically get to experience. Thus, addiction.

No more reaching, no more bending: Revolving Shelves

Spiraling motions are at the core of most natural phenomena. As graphic designers, we love using the golden spiral to get designs in a perfect proportion. So I think it makes plenty of sense to incorporate a circular motion into a product design by using revolving shelving to make it easier to organize and access anything in a cupboard, closet, or garage.

Drone doing the peace sign - simple design

If only designing simply were easy

Common sense would lead you to believe that making something simple is easy. There’s not much there so there shouldn’t be much to it, right? Incorrect, making something simple is extremely difficult because you must find the balance between having exactly what’s needed while walking the tight rope to be sure you don’t add in too much.

design iteration of sunglasses

Iteration: The mother of invention

What is iteration the mother of invention? Well, because your brain is the seed, aka sperm, of the idea, and iteration is where the idea implants itself into the egg. Once mated, the idea, through iteration, gestates inside the womb of the mother as she craves wine and caffeine for the next 9 months. 

Super hand utility pockets

Go Go Gadget Utility Pockets

My hand glides like a sword into its sheath, and then, get’s jammed. Fuck, there’s too much shit in the way, what is that, how did it get in there? That’s how it used to be putting a hand into my pockets, and I had enough of the frustration of searching through my pockets for the item I needed. Thus began the journey of designing my pocket system.