

person in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans standing on white bed

4 steps on How to get a job as a Home Organizer in Phoenix

So you think you’ve got the chops to cut it as a Home Organizer? Well kid, let me tell you, it’s not all roses and daisies out there. It’s tough, your feet ache, you’ve gotta stay focus for hours at a time, be able to handle changing client demands on the fly, and be a bit of a therapist at times. 

You may even have to work in dirty hot garages with dead rats and bugs and lift heavy boxes and equipment from one end to the other.

Still want to do it?

Okay, then here’s how to get a job as a home organizer. 

Step 1: Gain some experience. 

No one wants to hire someone that has no experience, we need people that can jump in and make moves day 1 with limited guidance. To start, gain some customer service experience and really learn how to go above and beyond for the client/customer. 

While doing that, ask to help friends and family organize their homes. Do as many as you can and collect before and after photos. The more of those you have to show as examples, the better your chances of getting an interview. You’ll definitely earn brownie points if you offer to give them to the business owner to use on their social media as content. (Hint Hint) 

Step 2: Read The Manual

Most people miss some key things to get A) an interview and B) Hired. 

Read the job description! As business owners, we spend a lot of time writing those, write them for a reason, and expect you to read it. Learn about the business you’ll be working for as well as what will be required of you while working that position. 

After that, follow the instructions, in the job description there are often instructions on how to stand out from the crowd. Being lazy and just submitting a resume will likely get you ignored (will definitely get you ignored by me) I have a very clear way to get an interview. At the end of the job description (so I know they likely read the whole job description) it says:

“If interested text me at 480.4442.7155 the answer to the following questions:

  1. If gifted 1 billion dollars tomorrow what would you do with it?
  2. Send 4-6 photos of examples of work you’ve done
  3. What’s your favorite home organizing product
  4. Tell me about your best friends and why you have given them that title”

People who don’t do this don’t even get considered, I don’t look at the resumes, 99% don’t have even close to relevant experience. It’s wild how much higher quality the candidates are that follow the instructions. 

Then, do your research. Go to the companies website, look at their Instagram, learn all you can. Memorize their values and mission so that you’re already a step ahead and show you give a shit about working there.

Step 3: Be on point, Be on time, Be Flexible

If asked to schedule through a link like calendly, do it that day. The sooner you do it, the more on top of it you look. If you wait 3-4 days to get it done it’s just not the best look. It will still be okay, but if I have someone that did it 3 seconds after I send it and you took forever, who do you think I’m more likely to hire?

When it’s time for the interview, be on time. Early if you can. I’m examining everything you’re doing to try to understand your habits and how it might be working with you.. From the time you text me until 2 months after you’re hired you’re under evaluation. 

It’s important to me, and every home organizing owner that you’re one time, clients pay attention, someone not on time isn’t getting hired. Period, full stop.

Being flexible is so key. I want to know I can call on you and that you’ll have my back. Clients come in at random times and need help asap sometimes. Your ability to be there for me will not go unnoticed and you’ll move up through the business fast. 

Having flexibility in your schedule for clients is key too, they may need you 4 hours a day one once a week, while others may want to crank out 8 hours a day 3 days in a row. Your ability to adapt will ensure you stick around once you have gotten the job. Just because you get the job, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re going to keep it. 

Step 4: Go above and beyond

It’s key you go above and beyond for the client, but also your employer. The more you kill it for me, the more I’m going to want A) keep you around and B) go all out for you and make sure you’re well taken care of. Once you’re in the family, you’re family, like the mob, but less killing. 

Here are some ways to go above and beyond: 

  • Take content photos and share them 
  • Make it so that I don’t have to manage you or keep tabs
  • Just follow the systems I put in place and help other organizers when they need help
  • Pick up slack and ask to take on other responsibilities. 
  • Come up with new ideas and give feedback and input on how to improve

I’m waiting for you! 

So, are you going to make it happen? Will I, or another organizer in the Phoenix area be hiring you soon. 

I sure hope so! I desperately need the help. 

I mapped out for you, if this is your dream job, go make it happen and let’s create something great together!


Our Job Description